Saturday, November 3, 2007

Hair Loss Supplement Actually Speeds Up Hair Loss

In this article you'll learn how a popular hair loss supplement commonly used actually speeds up the rate of hair loss significantly. You'll also learn why this is the case by learning the root cause of hair loss and how to stop it, and even experience regrowth...

It is a common misconception that what causes your hair loss is excess testosterone. Yes, DHT results in hair loss. No, testosterone doesn't create DHT. In fact the hormone Estrogen is the culprit for OVERproducing DHT. And an overproduction of DHT leads to hair loss fast.

With the real root cause of hair loss understood it now becomes clear why this common hair loss supplement I'm about to reveal actually speeds up hair loss!

So what is this common hair loss supplement?


If you've ever looked up popular supplements for hair loss, flaxseed oil is commonly mentioned. This is because it has something called lignans in them which theoretically may stimulate hair follicle growth. But the truth of the matter is that this is unproven. What is 100% known about flaxseed oil is that it produces estrogen!

And this is very bad if you want to keep your hair and are already suffering from hair loss. So avoid flaxseed oil at all costs and DO NOT take to try and reduce your hair loss because it will only speed it up.

So what can you do to REALLY stop your hair loss?

The answer to this is very simple. Reduce your levels of estrogen (thus reducing DHT levels and stopping hair loss, and even allowing for regrowth.)

Estrogen is primarily produce by pollution in the environment and chemicals in food. So firstly you need to strengthen your liver so it can neutralize the pollution before it converts to estrogen. Do this by cleaning your liver with one of the many liver cleansing products on the market. Secondly you should avoid food with chemicals in them like preservatives and additives. Eat organic instead.

One last step is vital to stopping your hair loss and that's to remove existing DHT on your scalp asap. Without doing this the DHT will continue to cause hair loss and won't allow any regrowth. So to remove the DHT lodging on your scalp you need to use a DHT removing agent. Now there are many expensive ones on the market but you can make one at home for a fraction of the cost. Either way is effective for this last step.

Colin Montana has set up a free website about solving your hairloss problem. Check it out today at The Ultimate Hairloss Solution.

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