There are many ways to treat hair loss, but not many are actually EFFECTIVE! To avoid wasting time in your plight to stop your hair loss I have written you this article to show you:
1) what the root cause of hair loss is, and
2) how to use this information to effectively stop your hair loss and experience regrowth...
So what causes hair loss?
The common understanding is that DHT (the aging hormone) directly causes hair loss. And this is true, BUT there is more to the story. The common myth starts here...
"Excess testosterone causes the production of DHT". This simply is not true. This is what really happens...
Excess Estrogen causes the OVER production of DHT. The DHT then attacks the hair follicles and the result is hair loss and baldness.
So where does this excess estrogen come from?
Two places mostly:
1) pollution in the environment, especially car fumes, and
2) chemicals in food such as preservatives and additives.
So to reduce your estrogen levels you need to either avoid pollution (how?) or neutralize it BEFORE its converts into estrogen in the body. The latter option is more viable, and can be easily done by taking something called a liver cleanser. By cleaning the liver you are better able it to neutralize the pollution BEFORE it causes the damage.
The second thing you need to do is make a slight change to your diet. And this is vital. You must avoid food with chemicals like preservatives in them and instead eat organic foods. This is quite easy to do because it is a simple choice made at the supermarket.
The last thing that must be done is probably the most important to stop hair loss asap. And that's to remove the DHT lodged on your scalp. Until this is done you will continue to lose hair despite following the previous two steps. This is because DHT that is already there doesn't simply disappear as soon as new DHT production is stopped. It must be removed...
...And to do this requires you use a DHT removing agent. Now there are many expensive ones on the market that work well, but you can simply make your own at home for a fraction of the cost which has the same effectiveness.
Colin Montana has set up a free website about solving your hairloss problem. Check it out today at The Ultimate Hairloss Solution.
Article Source:
Saturday, November 3, 2007
How to Stop Your Hair Loss Naturally - In Fact The Only Way